A few months ago I wrote about a very interesting movie I had seen:
An Inconvenient Truth – basically dealing with the facts about global warming, a subject that many people try to ignore, and have successfully done so for many years now.
I just finished watching another film that runs along a slightly similar vein. Following Roger and Me, Bowling for Columbine and Fahrenheit 911- Sicko is Michael Moore’s latest documentary film that focuses on the health care system in the United States. Basically health care in the US is not free. You need health insurance- but what people don’t know is what this health insurance buys you. I highly recommend seeing the film- despite it being just another round of anti-US rhetoric that is so common-place these days.
It got me thinking about the US though. The film clearly outlines a certain apathetic mentality that exists all over the world; especially concerning environmental issues, health issues, unemployment, child care, education etc. You know, the usual issues that make you roll your eyes and steer the conversation (or change the channel) to something more interesting; travel, music, parties, drugs, celebrities and sex. You know, INTERESTING topics. - I would be surprised to see how many people actually make it through this blog entry! - I am no less a perpetrator of this than anyone. In fact I am probably more guilty than most.
With regard to these subjects, the government (both in the US and many other western countries) can do pretty much whatever they like. As long as they keep people entertained… who cares? I am not going to relay all the things the film much more convincingly, articulately and concisely covers. Essentially, from my experiences with America (particularly the shitty, rip-off ones in Florida) along with what I can gather from film and television it seems like Americans are experts at making themselves look good; both outwardly and inwardly. On television, Americans seem to be completely and blindingly certain that they live in the greatest nation on earth. As soon as someone moves away from this conviction and lose faith; they lose their voice. And so the avalanche continues.
Honestly, ‘as long as the people are afraid’ I think America is beyond hope. But it scares me a little that Australia’s government makes no secret of following in the US’ footsteps. Careful Johnny.
It’s interesting that films like Supersize Me, An Inconvenient Truth and Sicko are using the US’ most powerful tool against itself; but even if enough people watch them and become informed… then what? At the end of An Inconvenient Truth the credits rolled alongside a series of energy saving tips. I was waiting for the credits of Sicko to roll alongside tips on how to overthrow a media-driven totalitarian system. Any ideas? Ah well, in the meantime I had better get back to my traveller lifestyle - listen to some music, go to a few parties, take a couple of drugs here and there, meet my share of celebrities and so on.