Ever since I got to Sweden I had a feeling that something about Göteborg (Gothenburg) would draw me there. It´s a beautiful city, trams, excellent weather: almost
too warm really. I set myself up in a nice hostel in the middle of town and chilled out for a day. Taking some walks around the streets, spending some time getting some more sun in the park and just relaxing while soaking in the atmosphere. This is definitely a city I can see myself spending some time and it has made its way on to my to-do list in the future. Still got that nasty visa issue to take care of but that´ll sort itself out eventually... Day two I met up with Peter and had a random little experience.

We ran into one of his old friends who asked us down to a performance at a little organic tea-café in the city; with nothing exactly planned we said sure, we´ll check it out. It was about as alternative as alternative can get. To be honest the opening act was much more entertaining than the main event. The openers were a couple of dudes from Germany who played acoustic guitars and sang engaging songs. The main event were way too pretentious. Trumpet blasts interrupted by poetry readings by girls wearing hemp pants. These guys went all out. We could only sit through about 3 or 4 songs before it was time to shove our ways to the front and get the hell out of there.

The next day we´d planned to stay at Peter´s dad´s place on the other side of the harbour. We found POH (for those of you who haven´t been keeping up- that´s my car) a place for the night and went for a walk around the old harbour.
We did some civilised stuff around town, talking around and talking like normal people before headed back to Pete´s Dad´s for some dinner and drinks. Swedish people are hilarious. We had such a laugh with his parents: made even funnier by Pete´s low alcohol tolerance. Out night out was pretty average. Gothenburg isn´t the best party place in Sweden when you don´t know where to go and as far as I can remember it was a Wednesday. We found a half-decent place but it was a total dude-ranch so we ended up just talking shit with some random Scottish guys. Good times. Peter eagerly broke is high-fat low-carb on the way home with a heavily breaded kebab.