Friday, September 17, 2004


Originally uploaded by doctr_zaius.
then i met cyril from cameroon, he's pretty cool, we all went and got some really awesome chinese food and then went drinking, happy hour good, non-happy our bad, i liked it when pints were 2.50euros, not 6! bas.tards. after a few drinks down the beach that we bought fro mthe supermarket... ahhh cheapness soo good. we went to a bar, the swiss boys had to get a plane early in the morning so they piked around 11, then thats when the night started and cyril who had previously been relitively quiet and sensible, turned into an insane pain machine who virtually forced pure vodka down my throat.

my belief that australians were hardcore drinkers has left me disillusioned, or maybe im just soft, because this morning, albeit having had a few more hours sleep than me because his female roommates weren't kicking the shi.t out of him for snorning and stinking up the whole room like vodka, was chirpy as hell. sa i was leaving, this part you will like tristan, i met a german girl name julia, but you pronounce it funny, like with a soft J. and so me, having all the game in the world, started explaining to her how her name sounded like eulogy, and, being german and thus not knowing what a eulogy is, the situation nessecitated me explaining that her name reminded me of a speech that one gives and someones funeral...

why dont i pick up more often? doesnt make sense.

then after a walk home, we spotted a casino, and after having gotten our last drinks for free, (barstaff not too bright) i decided to gamble the excess cash away, but they wouldnt let me in with freyed jeans, :( probably for the best,

Ive been looking into doing a french lagnuage class here, its pretty expensive but i think its worth it.

this is the famous cyril.

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