Friday, October 01, 2004


Originally uploaded by doctr_zaius.
here's a pic from tapas, my favorite tequilla hangout, 25shots for 30euros, i like it,mamma thinks that i was a little worried about meeting people before i came here, i think im doing ok now:but i had to develop myself a base to work from; first it was philip and the other swiss guy(forgot his name already), and i worked from there onto cyril, bec, verina, tom etc etc etc i feel very confident when i know that there is going to be a friendly face near by, and here is very different to home because you ALWAYS have something to talk about, always:

my friend alice has moved in with mamma and is keeping her company, sounds like they are having fun together and alice is fulfilling mama's nede for young adult tension :) good work ali,

anyway tonight is sort of being treated as my last big night, im going over to cyril's place; he lives near antibes; i feel kinda bad because in a month here i have barely left Nice, everyone else has been to Cannes,Antibes, Monaco etc, but not me, so im having a quick trip to Juan Les Pins to see at least another tiny bit of teh french riviera, although i will probably just hang out at cyril's place: then im meeting a bunch of people from school; they have been talking about getting like 3 bottles of spirits and drinking themselves stupid before they go out, that doesnt sound like my style at all but i guess i should hang out with my friends for my last few days :)

im being kicked out of my apartment tomorrow, and im moving into some crappy hostel for my last night here then sunday night im on the train at 7pm for like 12hours, fun fun fun, hopefully i will be able to get some sleep. i just bought myself the 5th volume of that dragonball comic mamma got me last time she was in france, im completely adicted to them; i need to slow myself down otherwise i could knock one off in half a day, not so much a bad thing, but at 8euros a pop, i need to space them out. i have reached a strange ploint in my french, i think im finally starting to think a bit in french, but it has some negative side effects; namely because its starting to come naturally, im not putting as much thought in and so sometimes english words just pop out, so yeah, its really good but a little annoying and embarassing; anyway, better go get ready and get on the train for cyril's place,

ciao kids, speak to you soon:xo

ps. hooralegeit is 'hows it going?' in swedish

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