Sunday, November 07, 2004

salut mes enfants

hi kids, its james here, remember me? as you may have noticed i have updated my blog considerably with photos and stuff, what do you think? its about time no? well here i am, hungover as hell, i think thats the best time to blog because im not much good for anything else. last night i went to one of my french neighbour's friend's place for drinks then i went out to good old java; strasbourg's club bayview. those french bastards! i was telling them how hardcore australian's were at drinking and they made me prove it, so much gin, why do people entertain themselves at other people's expense? its just plain evil.

on second thoughts maybe its not such a good time to blog, i cant remember anything! well lots has happened since i last wrote; most noteably i went back down to Nice for the weekend(which extended into tuesday night) i missed everyone down there so i just had to go back, it was nice to be missed as well, everyone was so happy to see me, im just that pretty. i crashed at cyril's place in juan lespins so i actually ended up seeing a little bit more of the area, went to the beach there etc, its nice. im looking at going back down there in december, maybe even for my birthday if i can, but i dont know if i can swing it with uni etc; tristan and ben will be down there at some stage so that would be good if i can organise everything, have a few more australians to throw around in Nice, i hope they dont embarras me, im playing around with msn so ill talk more later

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