Wednesday, December 08, 2004


Originally uploaded by doctr_zaius.
Hey kids, whats doin? Here I am, 22 years old, yup old man james is in the house. I have done many things in my time, i have grown my hair: long, shaved it all off, in plats, afro, undercut, bleached and had various objects cut into it such as an Ankh and an Alien, but on this wonderful day to commemorate teh most uncelebrated of birthdays I thought i would go and get myself the crappest haircut ever. Just looking at it you wouldnt guess that it was too bad, you would just say it was a below average standard rush job. But no. I gladly handed over close to AU$30 to get stabbed and attacked, to have hair spinkled through my various layers of clothing, all synthetic; and who loves to hold on to hair more than a synthetic shirt? yeah baby. And my personal favorite part was when she came at me with a blade; oh yes, shaving cream? a bit of foam? no. maybe a drop of gel? no. oli? ha! how bout a splash of warm water? GET OUT OF HERE, we are talking metal and skin here kids, why would you expect anything else.

As my birthday falls smack bang in the middle of exam week, I wont be having a huge one unfortunately... But I will have an aperatif or two tonight and see where I end up. Fun Stuff no?

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