Sunday, January 30, 2005


pretty tree style view of the big cathedral in strasbourg, this is just after i finished uni and just bofre i gbot on the bus to head towards prague...Here I am kids, just arrived in Prague after a cozy little 9hours on a bus, my first time in a while using a non-french keyboard so im getting along slowly here. Just before i got on the bus i ran into christophe and some other polish people i know who were sending him off, i was dragged into a polish tradition of drinking lots of vodka by itself quickly, so i was a little drunk for the bus trip. Bus was 45 minutes late, after half an hour in the stopped for the first of 3 20minute breaks and yet we still arrived close to an hour early, thats eastern europe for you. Reason I'm writing now rather than exploring is because someone left their internet credit logged on so i have to take advantage and another is that tristan and ben are destroyed from last night and not all that interested in getting moving very quickly, ill break them though. Ok they seem to be making movments so ill get going to collect some stories for more interesting reading, see to you soon kids

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