back in san francisco after a lovely five days in petaluma, northern california. a beautiful town about an hour from San Francisco. partied heartily with some youngins and did a bit of freestyling in the barn. fully sick. sorry, i mean it was so bomb.
tonight i got talking to a guy on the street. i'm starting to get a hang of when someone wants something from you and when they dont. this guy didn't, so i talked to him. he was clearly a little off balance. but only enough to make him interesting yet not scary. we talked about how paramedics smoke, how cheap cigarettes are here compared to australia (about 1/4) and then he said, with a deadly straight face. wait for it... that he was a prophet of god. i wasnt quite sure i heard him right so i played along. he went on to explain that the police had been giving him a hard time because lately he had been making bad things happen: like some very seriously bad weather at the golden gate bridge. "sure they don't mind when you make good things happen, but when bad things happen; that's when they get upset"
i could make some sort of witty remark about this, but i think i speaks for itself on one level or another, so i'll leave it there.
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