Camp is behind me now. It was such a mess and it all still seems very suspicious. On one level I really want to know what happened but on another, probably a smarter level, I want to just move forward. I have been in Boston for eight days now. Living in my sister's apartment. Two of her housmates have already moved in: a married couple from China, Frank and Angela. I randomly end up in long discussions with Frank about some strange things. Language, Religion... The Crusades?
I have been filling my time with movies and the gym mostly. Trying to sort out my time in Canada is yielding few results so I am leaning towards leaving that for when I am actually there. Place to stay in Montreal might be a good idea... should get on that.
Rachael and Adrien came down from camp a few days ago. It was good to see them again. Rachael is a wonderful person and I hope I get to see her again sometime. Adrien hadn't pulled all summer so we decided to head out to a gay bar near Fenway Park. It was a bit of a laugh. Eventually Rachael got kicked out for having alcohol. She litterally held my beer for 10 seconds while I was trying to fix my camera, that girl must have been stalking her or something I swear. We didn't particularly mind, the night was coming to an end anyway.
At this stage the plan is to head to New York tomorrow and stay for about 3 nights. Amy gets in on Sunday and I am going to help her get into her place and settled. Then it's up to Canada and looking for work. Little nervous about that. I hope I don't end up blowing too much money before I get settled.
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