Thursday, October 12, 2006

Home away from home

Does anyone still read this thing? No seriously. I wouldn't be surprised because I never update it. Right now I am in Montreal for my last night. Nice and reasonably timed flight at 7am tomorrow. That is going to hurt. The boys are going to kick my ass with 99c shooters at Peel Pub tonight; it's going to hurt. Thanksgiving weekend down in New York City was wild. It was Phil's birthday on Sunday so Saturday night at Sigma Phi Epsilom was absolutely debaucherous. 3 kegs, beer pong, boat races, keg stands... you name it. Frat life is exactly how you would imagine it. I don't know how anyone gets any work done. No really, how does this shit work? Animal House wasn't lying at all. The only thing missing was a Toga Party and Dean Wormer's wife. This is going to be a sad departure; Montreal has become a second home to me. Having said that; where is my first home? From here I am headed to Edmonton for the weekend. Don't ask me why because I can't answer that. I have time to kill before the season and should probably see more of Canada than inside Sir Winston Churchill's. After a quick look around town there it is back to Vancouver for a week or so; catch up with some friends there and then the big one: Whistler. The last straw, the last round of interviews before crunch time. Whistler awaits. This season could prove to be something else entirely. Wish me luck peoples. Peace and much love from the Chateau on the Plateau.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we read it. Update more.