Tuesday, June 12, 2007

An Inconvenient Truth

Having spent the last year in North America, I have seen quite a few things. America is not exactly the way it seems on tv. Well to an extent it is and to an extent it isn´t. Everything about America can be found in tv and movies if you look hard enough. They just have a tendency to emphasise certain aspects (positive) and neglect certain other aspects (negative). But honestly; can you blame them? How the hell are they supposed to perpetuate their massive superiority complex if they tell the freaking truth?!

I could quite easily rant for pages here and most likely tell you nothing you didn´t already know. Particularly with my predisposition to poorly directed ranting. Take this entire blog for example. (It´s damn fun though. I can highly recommend it.)

I came across an interesting film today that didn´t really tell me much I didn´t know. But funnily enough Al Gore did an excellent job of making it very clear and concise. Having seen a lot of this world of ours makes me realise that it would be unfair and selfish not to perpetuate it´s beauty for future generations. Not to mention something like 90% of the population of my home country living on the coast... but you´ll understand more about that once you watch the movie. Read about it here.

Global warming as a topical issue went through its time in the mid-late 90´s and since then has become decidedly uncool. But just because it´s difficult to keep your attention on something so unsexy for that long... doesn´t mean it actually went anywhere. Far from it.

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