Finding out that my insurance won't cover my surgery put the wind up me a little; and that's an understatement. There aren't many I know that could take a $4000 blow on the chin and keep a smile on their face. I was feeling pretty shaken for the better part of the day until on my way home a thought occurred to me... I don't HAVE to get the surgery do I?
With that in mind I called up the surgeon and we had a bit of a chat: Turns out the odds of improvement were slim and the knee should really heal itself over time with the formation of scar tissue. With strengthening exercises and care I should be fine without it.
So the decision to pull out was not a difficult one and so far so good. I have a lot of work to do to get into shape for the season. Lots of stretching, stability exercises and other stuff not nearly as satisfying as throwing around big weights but I think I can force myself to get into the hippie pilates/flexibility/balance side of things if it means I can avoid the knife and hopefully make this my last serious injury.
It's nice to be able to make some decisions about my own body for once. After all, it is mine and when it comes to what happens to it I do have the power of veto.
In other news flights are booked and I am outta here.
- 5th November -> Perth
- 13th November - > Montreal (via London)
- 27th November - > London
- 3rd December - > Stockholm
- 6th December - > Are
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