Friday, December 18, 2009

Funky AND Functional

Back in my younger days I dabbled in playing the guitar. Inspired by my friend Miles, I played around with Jack Johnson, Ben Harper, The Pixies and even the obligatory dose of Led Zeppelin. Over time I managed to build up quite a collection of guitars. Two nylon acoustics, three steel string acoustics, two 12 string acoustics and, thanks to mamma's trip to Turkey, a Saz. I was so proud of my little collection; one that reached its apex c. 2002. Since then however, as a result of moving, selling, robberies and gifts; my collection is down to just 3 guitars gathering dust in my mothers storage. I dreamt of decorating my walls with guitar racks to show off my collection. Polishing them and keeping them in showroom condition. An idea I have always considered to be both funky AND functional.

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