Wednesday, January 27, 2010

You've Come a Long Way Baby

Warning: this entry contains elements of the blog-equivalent of a clip-episode.

Unfortunately I can offer no relevance for this picture other than the album title. If only I knew this dude.

A good friend of mine was reading through the early days of
James the Wanderer and mentioned how much my writing has come along. Not only have I stopped using all lower-case, started using punctuation but I have also actually put in the effort to actually write my entries, as opposed to poorly proofed copies of emails addressed to friends and family. Although, the kind of spontaneity that could only come from writing to my mother can make for some amusing prose.

`i hope i havnt made you worry too much with my stories, at least you can take comfort in the fact that im being very economical, last night i mainly drank other people's vodka``

And I thought this reference was particularly amusing considering my current circumstances:

"i was thinking of looking into re-enrolling at UWA and doing a bachelor of education, which is a year's supplementary study on top of the degree i have done, and then rather than going back home, just applying for an exchange in sweden/canada/usa. but probably not canada, why would i want to go there?

Although since the last time I was in this country I have mustered the skills to make my own poutine (chips, gravy and cheese curds). Back in the day I would only touch the stuff when very drunk or severely hungover (otherwise it was just too disgusting to stomach) but on a rare day here (the day after Australia day) I put together the ingredients to make my own batch. And I have to say it was pretty tasty.

I'd like to point out I've only been drinking about 5 or 6 times since I got to Canmore and my diet has been significantly better than poutine. Such behavior on a regular basis doesn't exactly befit the image of a personal trainer. But staying true to the "Harden the Fuck Up" bracelets my boss had custom made for the team here; when I drink and eat crap; I don't do it by halves.
Australia Day was pretty lame here. Canmore is dead compared to Banff and with work the next morning I wasn't about to make the trip out there. We still got our share of liquor into us though. Shots were flowing until about midnight when my roommate started seeing his dinner again outside the bar. Classy stuff. It's amazing how that kind of thing sobers you up instantly; as long as it's happening to someone else and not you. Think about it; how often do you see two people equally wasted/sick during a night out? As soon as one crosses the point of no return, the other realises it's much nicer on this side of that line.

It also seems I was somewhat prophetic back in 2006:

"Some of you may have received an email from me about Facebook. I know it sounds like just another lame social network thing but this one is different and good. The reason I mention this is because you can see pictures from my whole trip on there. Check it out sometime when you've got nothing better to do, not that anything better than that is imagineable... Later kiddlets"

The past two weeks have been pretty insane. With the owner/trainer away for his brother's wedding in Australia. I've had to pick up the slack with clients and as such am up at 5:30 every morning and working until 7 pm most nights. Spin classes, boot camp, mountain fit classes, group personal training and one on one sessions, all the while trying to squeeze in a bit of real exercise for my self.

Now that he's back, I can look forward to three days off in a row. Finally getting some snowboarding in is highly likely. Money and health is all well and good but what did I really come here for?

Today I was charged with the task of doing some reconnaissance at our competitor. Posing as a potential member, checking out their facility, sales procedures, hours, rates etc. I had to get all 007 on their asses. The data shows that it's an expensive, dank junkpile with nothing on AE. They did have a fun toy that amused me in between sets.

The Boardrock is kind of like a skateboard/snowboard balance trainer. Much like a skateboard deck with two rubber domes on the bottom. It feels like a skateboard that is really hard to balance on. You can do manuals, shuv-its, ollies etc with great difficulty coupled with high levels of entertainment. In just one training session I came a long way baby. I want one.

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