Wednesday, June 21, 2006

hey all, hope everyone is happy and healthy in their respective parts of the world

things at camp are going far beyond my expectations. i will try to be as humble as possible about it but i dont think i can. i can't really describe my elation right now. we just got our bunk assignments (we have just been randomly spread
around so far and tomorrow we move where we'll stay for the summer)
there are experienced counsellors called group leaders who put in
requests for who they want in their bunks. i got put in an excellent bunk and many people are jealous :D. everyone here is so complimentary as
well, no one seems afraid to tell me what they think about me (at least the good things?) and its really a bit overwhelming... i have been getting great responses from the directors about my driving, skiing etc. i am basically
the only international who has managed to crack the tight circle of
americans who have been at this same camp for up to 11years in a row.

last night was crazy. there is this chinese restaurant in town where
basically everyone went, they dont seem to care about ID unlike the
rest of the country so people young and old basically took over the
whole place and drank ourselves silly. i slept through breakfast and
am now dying of hunger. im starving at meal times at the best of
times! the food here is generally surprisingly good, healthy options
and tasty treats. its great. i have to go now and head into town for a
supply/food run and check out the place. tomorrow i have to take my
boat drivers test. i really need to pass and i need to do more study,
i did pretty well on the practice run (93%) but i hear that the
practice run is a lot easier.

internet is hard to get to because im so busy all the time, any free
time i have i need to take a nap, its really going to be a full on
summer! i thought everyone here would be geeks and not drink but it has been beer beer beer so far. another thing: americans smoke a lot of weed. a lot. a stupid amount in fact.

its all a bit disjointed i know. im going out on the water tomorrow and hopefully sitting my test. kids get here on saturday and then the shit hits the fan, should be fun! speak to you soon kids. james.

1 comment:

xianfu said...

seems u have done well in ur assigment..^^.. Yeah.. everyone has been doing well.. except for those in iraq of course.. wat a lovely blog here... visit my blog and tell me wat do u think about it InvernoKL keep up all the good works.. rocKZ!! :p take care, xian