Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Sunday night after the staff meeting (complete waste of time) we played a hell of a lot of volleyball, I’m getting quite into that sport. Its good fun and you can do some impressive stuff with it. Our last game was pretty intense and we didn’t finish up until almost 2am. What devotion. Earlier in the day I had been playing some 1 on 1 basketball with Roger Guesswein: for a 15 year old kid he is pretty incredible, probably the best in camp. He’s 5’11” and can shoot over my defense pretty much every time. I asked him to teach me to play and just a few small tips and I improved dramatically. The game score was 14-21 in the end and I was completely knackered, I think he went a bit easy on me, but only a little. I think I’m going to keep at it over the summer and maybe even be a respectable player over the next 6 weeks. I can’t believe its been over 3 weeks here and 2 with the kids already. Yesterday was photo day: group photos, photos with the specialty staff etc. They will be put up on the camprobinhood.com website eventually but I think you need a password to access them. I will work on getting them downloaded and stuff, should be some good pictures of the kids/other staff and me.

Right now I’m on duty with the lancers (13 year olds) which means I have to make sure they all go to bed, lights out and stay quite. I’m here from 9:15-12:15 and it can get a little boring… iPod, laptop and a lot of bug spray seem to help. I can see the yeomen (11 year olds) bunk from here and I thank the powers that be that I am not over there. They are all devil children I swear. Running around, sprinting out of their bunks, screaming, starting wars between the other side of the cabin, deodorant bombs, you name it. The guys on duty there sound like they are going crazy trying to settle them down. This is yet another reason I feel like the luckiest person on camp. Aside from a couple of guys who harass me to let them sneak out to get some ‘guaranteed poon’ my kids here are pretty quiet and well behaved. After about 10:45 they are all out and quiet. Life is good. Having said that, these kids are so horny. All the want to talk about is sex. Was I like that ten years ago? Probably a bit, but not quite that much.

Today was beach day. This may sound relatively straightforward but the logistics of moving 350 kids and 120 staff 2.5 hours to Ubunquit, Maine for a day on the beach boggles the mind. It’s crazy. The staff are divided into duty groups to spend 30mins in the water monitoring the kids. Sound simple? The water is cold. In fact, cold doesn’t really capture the temperature of this water. It is fucking icy cold daemon spawn reproductive system destroying mucho frio death water. My toes took about 10 minutes to regain feeling after I got out. That kind of endurance cannot be good for you at all. The kids ran in and screamed and ran out again lasting all of about 2minutes. I hope it was all worth it. Aside from the water the day was very nice, sun was shining, sand was nice, I got a bit of a nap in, bit of beach gridiron. Fun all round. My tan is getting a bit ridiculous these days, all the hairs on my body are completely blond, my skin is a really really dark red, everyone thinks that I am burnt everyday but that’s just the way I am, thanks for the Scottish blood pappa. Sad that I am going to be in Canada for a year after this: I’ll be a whitey again in no time. What a waste.

Between yesterday’s basketball/volleyball and today’s football/volleyball I’m damn sore. As most people know I’m not exactly the most athletic person around and I have really dived in the deep end here. Burning the exercise candle at both ends. I love it though, it’s going to take some work but I plan on having a fundamental level of hand eye co-ordination before I leave this place. My finger’s improvement has slowed a little, I should probably not be playing basketball and volleyball until it is completely healed but things would get very boring and I would be

A couple of photos were taken today but I was too scared to take my camera into that seething pit of hyperactive, wet, sandy children. Would have been good to get some more, I will try to get copies off Leigh and Maria, they took a couple of good ones.

That’s enough for today. No major events coming up any time soon that I’m aware off, back to work as usual tomorrow

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