Saturday, July 01, 2006

still camp goodness. not a huge amount of new stuff. camp is still good, waterskiing is still good. my broken finger doesn't actually seem to be broken, or at least its healing really well considering. i have about 70% functionality back already, in just one week! yesterday i went wakeboarding and didnt hurt myself. how good am i?

geoff's birthday was crazy, took up a whole restaurant with camp staff and got well roasted. no one more so than geoff himself. (pictured)

i took my day off on thursday and we drove to portland, maine. took us a bit longer than it should have: but not bad considering we had no idea where we were going, it was my first time driving on the right and we got caught in an amazing storm that reduced visability to nothing, not a damn thing, we all feared for our lives.

thats all for today. peace out.

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